Vietnamese Web Site Internationalization

Vietnamese Web site globalization (G11n) is a two-step process, including Vietnamese Web site internationalization (I18n) and Vietnamese Web site localization (L10n). Web site internationalization deals primarily with the functionality of a Web site, enabling back-end technologies to function or support any language and locale, in this case, Vietnamese. Localization deals primarily with the front-end or linguistic and cosmetic aspects of a Web site, including locale-specific content, cultural correctness, translations, and site design.

hether your project is simple (such as a straight HTML-based Vietnamese Web site) or complex (such as a dynamic, database-driven Vietnamese Web application), the Web site internationalization process is the first step in ensuring your Web site’s global interoperability. During Vietnamese Web site internationalization, any language- or culture-specific assumptions in your Web site’s code base is "neutralized"; your Web site will then be primed for efficient localization into Vietnamese.

Your localization company should have solid experience in handling Vietnamese Web site internationalization issues, including:

  • Reviewing and analyzing the source Web site;
  • Resolving issues related to Vietnamese address, time, date, and numerical formats;
  • Externalizing text strings for ease of Vietnamese translation;
  • Web site testing, including bug reporting and fixing.

You will need to provide your localization company with the following information, collectively referred to as a "Web site Internationalization Kit." This information allows your localization company to analyze your Web site and to determine its Vietnamese internationalization requirements. This kit includes:

  1. URL of the Web site(s).
  2. Any passwords or login instructions.
  3. Summary of Web site architecture.
  4. Summary of any technologies and/or development tools used to develop the Web site.
  5. Any source code for the Web site including HTML/XML, Web-driven applications, applets, database servers, multimedia products such as FLASH presentations, and Web applications such as online calculators or surveys.