Tips for Translators : Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Must the room atmosphere be very quiet?

The room doesn’t have to be completely quiet, especially if you use a headset mike. Some people say they can dictate with Dragon and have background music on at the same time.

Can you use two languages while dictating?

You can use two languages, but not for the same text (i.e. you can’t switch quickly). The “Home” version comes in the language of the url domain where you buy the software, e.g., sells the Spanish version. The “Premium” version comes with that language plus EN.

Are different English accents recognised?

I’ve heard that Dragon has problems recognising accents that it doesn’t have specific profiles for. So a Scottish accent might be a problem, but an Indian one should be OK.

I’ve got a comment, not a question: Dragon does indeed work on a Mac. It’s called Dragon for Mac.

Thanks for pointing this out. I think I confused Dragon with the other two programs we were talking about. AutoHotkey and IntelliWebSearch are Windows-only programs, but you’re right, Dragon is definitely available for Mac.